
Mr. Pat T. Miller
American Seed Trade Association
Sr Director Special Projects
Pat Miller
Dr Gary Munkvold
Iowa State University Seed Science Center
Gary Munkvold
Dr Kevin Ong
Texas A&M University
Professor and Extension Specialist
Kevin Ong
Dr. Ryan Quarles
Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture
Dr.  Ryan Quarles
Mr. Charles Smith
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Acting Division Director BPPD
Shayla Spann
Branch Chief, Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Samantha Thomas
Stewardship and Industry Affairs Lead
Samantha Thomas
The Honorable Tom Vilsack
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
The Honorable Tom Vilsack
Mr. Andrew Walmsley
American Farm Bureau Federation
Director, Congressional Relations
Andrew Walmsley
Curtis Wiltse
Beck's Superior Hybrids
Research Manager
Curtis Wiltse
Mr. Rick D Winn
QHSE Manager
Rick Winn