Moderated by Katy Rainey, Purdue University
This session will discuss a range of approaches to dealing with disease problems, including the overall management of the crop.
• Integrated Management of SCN: Greg Tylka, Iowa State University: SCN is a leading yield-reducing pathogen of soybean throughout much of North America. This presentation will discuss the active, integrated approach that is needed to manage SCN for sustained, profitable soybean production in infested fields.
• Seed Treatment Solutions: Jennifer Riggs, BASF: Precision seed treatments are a part of an Integrated Pest Management System (IPM). This part of the session will cover seed treatment advantages as part of IPM including the ease of their use, precise placements of the treatment in the root zone of the growing plant and their quick effects following planting. It will also cover how seed treatments support the genetic potential of the seed, the starting point for the crop production.
• Update on Tar Spot Management in the US: Nathan Kleczewski, University of Illinois: This session will provide an update on our current understanding of tar spot in US corn production, and discuss potential management options.