Navigating the Maize of Mycotoxins
Mycotoxins are food contaminants produced by certain fungal pathogens. Improved agricultural and manufacturing practices, as well as biotech crops, have helped reduce mycotoxin risks, however it is critical to continue developing solutions for our producers. This session will dive into the latest breakthroughs in mycotoxin research, showcasing innovative strategies and technologies to tackle these risks. We will also explore ways to collaborate across different groups to develop practical solutions for farmers.
Diana Horvath - 2Blades
Tadd Nicholson - Ohio Corn & Wheat
Eric DeBlieck - Grain Millers, Inc.
Marshall Lamb - USDA-ARS
Tadd Nicholson - Ohio Corn & Wheat
Eric DeBlieck - Grain Millers, Inc.
Marshall Lamb - USDA-ARS

Date & Time
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM
Location Name
Windermere X