Patricia Roller - Bureau of Land Management
The ASTA Environmental & Conservation Seed Committee meeting will offer valuable updates after a tumultuous year of intense wild fires. Presentations include:
- Bureau of Land Management Update, Trisha Roller, National Seed Coordinator, BLM
To say that this year has been unusual is an understatement, especially with regard to fire season. Trisha will provide an update on the activities of the two BLM seed warehouses and the fall ‘buy’. Extra time has been set aside for specific questions from the committee members. Other agency updates will be discussed, as well.
- National Association of Conservation Districts Issues, Mary Scott, Natural Resource Policy Specialist, NACD
NACD has been very active this year. Mary will review NACD’s involvement in the 2020 wildfire season and will provide an overview of U.S. Forest Service and BLM land activities, and how fire impacts those landscapes. She will also review NACD’s Natural Resource/Wildfire Policy Activities, including the influences in the political landscape for these issues. The Department of the Interior invasive species activities will also be addressed.
This session is open to ASTA members only.