Gary Munkvold - Iowa State University Seed Science Center
Kevin Ong - Texas A&M University - Texas A&M University
Marina Zlotina - APHIS - USDA APHIS
Edward Podleckis - USDA - USDA-APHIS
Matthew Rhoads - USDA APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine
Samantha Thomas - Bayer

The agenda for the Phytosanitary Committee will focus on major challenges currently being faced by the vegetable and flower seed sectors. Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) continues to dominate as it has also influenced how similar pathogens are now being more restrictively regulated internationally. The agenda includes a session on ToBRFV that will provide up-to-date information on its biology, status of genetic resistance development, seed health testing, as well as a summary of international phytosanitary regulatory requirements. An update on the pospiviroids including PSTVd that will also provide information on the status of USDA’s Federal order and pest risk assessment will be presented. Other topics will include current status of the CGMMV program in California and what to expect in 2022; updates on the development of the systems approach as an alternative phytosanitary measure in the US and internationally; and a report on the Collaboration for Plant Pathogen Strain Identification (CPPSI) program.
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