This workshop will be led by Drs. Lindsey duToit, Washington State University, and Gary Munkvold, Iowa State University. The need for continuing education and training in the seed industry in seed and plant pathology has rapidly escalated during a time when most universities have discontinued or severely reduced dedicated undergraduate and graduate programs in this field of science. Many seed companies have had to create their own in-house training efforts to develop the necessary expertise in basic pathology needed in seed production and quality management systems. The purpose of this workshop is to begin a dialogue with the seed industry to inventory the needs of the industry, identify education needs and gaps, and explore how the academic community can best address these needs via on-campus curricula as well as remote approaches including workshops, seminars, short courses, and other approaches through partnerships with ASTA, APS, ISPP, and other potential partners.
1 Market Pl
San Diego, CA 92101
United States