Federal and State Policy – Impacts on the American Seed Industry
Date & Time
Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Pat Miller - American Seed Trade Association
Janae Brady - American Seed Trade Association
Payton Englert - American Seed Trade Association -
Jordan Gregory - American Seed Trade Association
Janae Brady - American Seed Trade Association
Payton Englert - American Seed Trade Association -
Jordan Gregory - American Seed Trade Association

This is an essential session for all levels of seed industry career professionals, especially this election year! Come and hear the latest from ASTA’s state and federal policy team. What are the key issues being debated in Washington, D.C., and in State Capitals around the United States and what does this mean for the seed industry and specifically your business? This session provides a fireside chat with the ASTA team who advocates on these issues every day. Join to learn more about what is at stake, and how you can be more involved in our advocacy efforts on behalf of the U.S. seed industry.
Location Name
Legends Ballroom E/F/G
Full Address
Omni Nashville Hotel
250 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
250 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
Virtual Session Link