It’s been said that the #1 goal of a manager is to achieve results and the #1 obligation of a leader is to grow and develop more leaders. However, before we can develop others, we need to first learn how to develop ourselves.
Those who learn, grow, and change continuously across their careers are the most successful. The skills someone has now are unlikely to be enough in the future. Acquiring new skills is the best way to navigate an uncertain future. Being committed to self-development means you look for ways to build skills that you will need in the future. You seek out feedback and are open to what you hear. To be sure, development is a personal commitment.
In our session, we will focus on two critical competencies, self-awareness and self-development. In our journey, we will also explore the myths and facts regarding development, potential, and how to give & receive feedback.
250 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States