Workshop: Your Leadership Priorities and How to GROW
Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Jonathan Shaver - Envision Partners, LLC - Envision Partners, LLC
Fred Kofman - Conscious Business Center
Fred Kofman - Conscious Business Center

This interactive session, led by keynote speaker Fred Kofman, will provide guidance based on your real-time, crowd-sourced input after the Sunday session on "What's Different About Leadership in the Seed Industry." Fred Kofman will provide his expertise on how to apply this to your company using the GROW model: Goal, Reach, Open and Work.
Location Name
Legends Ballroom E/F/G
Full Address
Omni Nashville Hotel
250 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
250 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
Virtual Session Link