Agriplex Genomics: One sample, one reaction, and as many DNA markers

Seed QA and QC practices were traditionally conducted using Grow Out Tests (GOT): a morphology-based approach that uses a set of morphometric descriptors, or biochemical markers analyses, based on the protein profiles (isozymes) of different genotypes. In recent years, seed QA/QC has shifted to the use of DNA molecular markers. The number of DNA markers used for seed QA/QC vary between teen to a few hundreds, and the number of individuals being tested depends on the germplasm and its designated application The efficacy of the DNA marker analyses is affected by the number of markers and the number of individuals tested, but so is the cost of the analysis and the accessibility of the quality program.

We are presenting PlexSeq, a proprietary Next Generation DNA Sequencing platform that two of its qualities are a step change in seed quality testing: 
•    Multiplexing: The assay design computer program at the base of PlexSeq, utilizes an artificial intelligence algorithm that enables the design of a multiplexed amplification of up to approximately 2000 DNA markers, far in excess of what any seed quality testing requires, thus, any number of markers can be probes simultaneously in one reaction – affecting efficiency and reducing price.  
•    Efficacy: the availability of 55,000 unique DNA barcodes, enables the analysis of any number of individuals.
•    Flexibility: Other multi-marker methodologies e.g., arrays and chips, have the oligos bound to a surface. Plexseq is not, it is a reaction mix that lends itself to be dynamically modified, and the DNA markers in use to be updated to fit the ever-evolving nature of the germplasm that is analyzed.

The attributes of Plexseq will be demonstrated by showcasing the results of 2 seed quality multiplexed DNA marker panels, one for maize (144 SNP markers) and one for USA rice (80 SNPs).  

Beni Kaufman
Date & Time
Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 2:25 PM - 2:35 PM
Location Name
Grand Hall G - J