Application of AI and Deep Learning to Climate and Land Use: Implications for the Seed Industry
What is AI and why is everyone so interested in it? How could these tools be used for predictions and feedback for your breeding programs? Where could improvements be made? Come and hear about some of the key players working in this technology, their programs, how they've been implemented in the field, some of the smart questions you should be asking your providers, and how this could impact your business.
Carolyn Lawrence-Dill - Iowa State University
Michael Humber - University of Maryland
Ben Ford - Syngenta
Will Kletter - ClimateAi - ClimateAi
Michael Humber - University of Maryland
Ben Ford - Syngenta
Will Kletter - ClimateAi - ClimateAi

Date & Time
Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM
Location Name
LEAD Village (Grand Ballroom A/B)