Wheat Session: "Calming the Storm: Mitigating Wheat Volatility"

In the midst of a global crisis, wheat is at the center of grain and seed trade discussion. This focused wheat session is will offer supportive measures for seed businesses to mitigate risk. Applying innovative practices in research, production and commercial trade can help your organization capture the long term value of wheat markets.

Moderator: Ken Davis, Grow Pro Genetics

Using industry partnership and an independent business model Grow Pro Genetics has emerged as a leader in wheat seed trade. Staying aligned with customer trends, research investment and production  is vital to wheat seed business. Moderator Ken Davis will kick off the session with a fresh perspective on wheat opportunities.

Jessica Rutkoski, University of Illinois – Research measures and public support

A recent graduate of Cornell University, Jessica’s approach to genetics, molecular breeding and phenotyping will help stabilize field performance in wheat. Balancing an applied breeding approach with new breeding technologies will help pave a balanced path to high performing germplasm.

Clark Neighbors, BIS Commodities (Invited) – Global commodities outlook

Annually wheat grain is planted on more acres than any other crop in the world. This fact makes every year a global situation, especially when 1/3 of the supply is enduring a war. Clark’s commodities outlook with respect to the global supply and demand situation and bottlenecks that affect our industry.

US Wheat - speaker TBD

Finally, US Wheat have been invited to offer insights into the state of US wheat market and impacts of global wheat market, given impacts from the conflict in Ukraine.

Jessica Rutkoski Clark Neighbors Ken Davis Vincent Peterson
Date & Time
Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location Name
Grand Hall G - J