Phytosanitary Session: Systems Approach: Will it Work in the Row Crop Seed Sector?
Date & Time
Thursday, December 9, 2021, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Richard Dunkle Scott Heuchelin Samantha Thomas Alan GAUL Edward Podleckis Gary Munkvold Rose Richards

The CSS Phytosanitary Session will focus on the use of the systems approach as a possible alternative to consignment-by-consignment phytosanitary certification in the row crop sector. The current state of the development of the systems approach in the US (USDA’s ReFreSH Initiative) and internationally will be presented, followed by presentations by industry and academic experts on quality management (QM) practices being used in the production, harvest/post harvest, conditioning and processing of corn and soybean seed, and how phytosanitary risk is managed throughout this continuum.  The invited speakers will participate in a panel discussion on how accreditation of seed companies based on their QM practices could work as an alternative to the current international system of certification of individual consignments.

Location Name
The Corteva Stage at TREAT Village (Grand Hall G - J)
Virtual Session Link

The CSS Phytosanitary Session will focus on the use of the systems approach as a possible alternative to consignment-by-consignment phytosanitary certification in the row crop sector. The current state of the development of the systems approach in the US (USDA’s ReFreSH Initiative) and internationally will be presented, followed by presentations by industry and academic experts on quality management (QM) practices being used in the production, harvest/post harvest, conditioning and processing of corn and soybean seed, and how phytosanitary risk is managed throughout this continuum.  The invited speakers will participate in a panel discussion on how accreditation of seed companies based on their QM practices could work as an alternative to the current international system of certification of individual consignments.