Free 24/7 assistance for the entirety of your Premier Tech equipment’s lifecycle 
Lifetime Client Solutions  

Premier Tech Client Solutions take a personalized approach to lifecycle management, creating enhanced solutions customized to your specific needs that develop your own capabilities and operational habits, and help you achieve and maintain productivity.

Our programs are designed to help you reach your highest Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and maximize your Return on Investment (ROI) by providing you with the most valuable lifecycle services in the industry, focusing on critical areas such as 24/7 technical support, spare parts, field service, training, system assessments and optimization, and remote connectivity.

People and Technologies making a difference throughout your equipment’s lifecycle


©2020 Premier Tech. All rights reserved.

In need of more information?

Our brochure on Client Solutions allows you to learn more on how we support our clients throughout the lifecycle of their equipment. Do not hesitate to consult it. 

The Client Solutions passionate team acts as a partner by providing constant collaboration and putting your interests at the heart of daily decisions throughout your equipment’s lifecycle. Our team gathers every day with one goal in mind - to create an experience like no other for everyone around us. 

With Premier Tech's new Virtual Assistance tool, our experienced support technicians can now interact with you virtually at a moment's notice. It enables them to be hands-on from a remote location as if they were working with you side-by-side and accelerates and simplifies how problems are solved.

Our upcoming client portal will bring your after sales experience to a whole new level. This new self-service platform will allow you to access support, parts orders and field service even faster. The increased accessibility of information regarding the maintenance of your equipment will allow you to gain autonomy in your everyday operations. The new client portal will also allow you to gain knowledge and visibility to keep better track of all that is done on your equipment. Access maintenance and repair history as well as troubleshooting and service reports by plant and by equipment.

The true value of the Year One program lies in ultimately allowing clients to maximize their Return on Investment (ROI) and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) as quickly as possible and without compromise. By addressing risks and issues proactively rather than reactively and by providing clients with the tools and knowledge needed to maintain their equipment’s OEE throughout its lifespan, the program also optimizes the equipment’s Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by minimizing costs long after that first year.

PT Live training is a new way we use to connect with our clients by hosting live online training sessions. This training format is a great way to learn about the best operating and maintenance practices for your equipment in the comfort of your workplace or home. We use real-life situations to create concrete and value-added conversations with the participants. We also include reference documentation that you can revisit anytime. Limited seats are available in each training to maximize interaction. 

Download brochure

New Client Solutions Tour - Meet the team

New Virtual Assistance Tool

New Year One Support Program 

New PT Live Training

Coming soon Client portal