NOTE: Repeat presentations of this content will be given throughout the duration of the 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. tour, as each group rotates between tour stops.
Description of Innovation: This presentation will give an overview of several advancements in optical sorting equipment that will help develop the future use of this technology. Technology that includes an entirely new optical array for ear corn sorting that is like a CAT scan for humans, giving a 360 degree view of the object. Also optical technology that now allows us to look beyond the surface of the seed and begin to identify contaminants below the obvious issues. And finally sorting technology designed from the ground up for sorting of fine, high value seed.
Why it Matters to the Seed Industry: Optical sorting has certainly grown in breadth in the last decade. Now we are pushing the depth of what optical sorting can provide to the seed industry. With increased focus on seed quality and diminishing margins in the market, new technologies can be leveraged to meet these demands.